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Bob Szelestey,


“Jaylyn’s work is like magic, and reminded me that for my body to heal, my spirit must heal as well.  She performed a healing for me while I was undergoing a painful recovery from throat surgery, and not only was the pain less; my attitude about the pain improved.  This former skeptic is forever grateful!”

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Christie Smith, Florida


“My experiences with Jaylyn have been ones that will forever stay with me.  The healing process opened my mind and heart to many new ideas of life and health.  I’m grateful for this and for the relief of a health problem I had dealt with for several years. 

I’m thankful for her everyday.” 

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Catherine Kane,



“I feel that I have been kissed by the mother of my heart!”

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Tim Hallbauer,


“It has long been known by healthcare practitioners the effect a person’s mental, emotional, and spiritual states have on their wellbeing.  As a healer, Jaylyn has demonstrated her understanding of these connections and her innate ability to heal the whole person.   I highly recommend her services.”

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Kate Rander

“I received a healing treatment from Jaylyn without having expectations.  I trusted her and I am ever glad I did so.  I was moved and somewhat cleansed of old parts of myself.  It was performed in a sacred manner.  After the experience I felt lighter, fresher, more whole, much more whole.  Even after years of sessions with practitioners and other healers, this stands on its own merit.” 

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Sue Foanio


“I had asthma.  Note I said, ‘Had.’  Jaylyn taught me that we all have the power within ourselves to heal, we just need help finding it or tapping into it…I scheduled a session with Jaylyn and it was within the days after that I truly felt a difference.  My energy was clear and vibrant.  I began to see life in a whole new light.”

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Barbara Potter Drinkwater,

“Jaylyn Stahl is a healer of bodies and souls.  I first met Jaylyn through a mutual friend, enjoying her friendship before realizing I was in the presence of a Traditional Healer.  She heals with her voice, her hands, and her heart.  My first real encounter with her healing was when I was in excruciating pain from an undiagnosed dry socket after a tooth extraction.  A dentist had said I didn’t have a dry socket.  Well, whatever it was then was just about killing me with pain.  Jaylyn said she thought she could do something about it, and definitely knew something was wrong.  She sat me in a chair, asked me to close my eyes, and she went to work.  I can’t tell you what she did, but it took the pain away.  It was a phenomenal feeling.  Later, the dentist said he was wrong.  I did have a dry socket, but there was nothing he could do about it.  Thank God for Jaylyn.  She later did a workshop on healing here at the farm for about eight of my friends, and was very well received.  Her drumming skills send vibrational healing, her voice soothes and inspires (she is an incredible singer) and her presence,  just her very loving presence is a healing in itself.  I recommend her services highly.” 

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Barbara Howard,

“Drumming with Jaylyn is an experience of body and soul.  One need not know how to drum formally to join in circle with drums.  It’s amazing just to relax and let the spirit take the drum, whether individually or as a group, and to allow the healing vibrations to massage the muscles and tissues while helping pain recede into the background.  One of my favorite experiences is the “thunder” drums where one lucky person stands between two drummers facing each other in close proximity and drumming faster and faster—hence, “thunder.”  Not only is this invigorating but certainly helps me have a restful and relaxing nap or night’s sleep.  Jaylyn’s circles close with her beautiful voice in song and blessing.  I so look forward to being in circle again with her.  Blessings!” 

Cheryl Lynn and Jaylyn

Cheryl Lynn Dratler,

“Jaylyn is personable and caring, with a down-to-earth approach to healing everyday people.  Her strong professional background, combined with keen intuition and her indigenous healing traditions are very powerful together.  She takes the time to understand the issues through conversation and intuition.  Then she creates a personalized, holistic healing using all of her talents.  Her attitude and methods are not a ‘one size fits all’ style.  I always feel a positive shift in mind, body, and spirit after a healing session.  You know you’ve gotten the best she has to give when you walk away…feeling better.”

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David Simms,
The Stars of Axuncanny,



And here I thought all shamans were men and danced in circles! How utterly male and ethnocentric of me!  Without an impromptu session with Jaylyn the start of the year, I’d still be in the dark and probably be having a lot of back pain after extensive snow shoveling in February.  Instead, I feel like dancing in circles!” 

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