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About Jaylyn

To me healing is part science, part faith.  Science can explain the process by which Traditional Healers and Shamans place clients into a meditative theta state where healing occurs.  Science can explain why drumming and crystals work as healing tools.  What science, nor I, can explain is how someone like me instinctively makes the connection with the Spirit World to assist clients in facilitating their healing and wellness.  That requires faith, or at least an open mind.


As a child I could take ‘bad stuff’ from those around me – pains and upsets.  I thought it was something strange, especially when what I took from someone ended up in my own body.  I tried to ignore what was happening but kept finding myself in situations where I was compelled to utilize my unconventional abilities to help others.  Then in my 40th year I was gifted an exceptional privilege – a healing with a fifth-generation indigenous Shaman, Eduardo Luna Paredes, who was traveling in the United States as an Ambassador for Cultural Exchange from Ecuador.  Shaman Eduardo exhibited a dimension of power and wisdom I had never experienced.  I had not told him about my experiences or abilities, yet he knew I was a healer when we met. “We each wear one necklace in life Jaylyn.  Your necklace is that of the healer.”  With his encouragement I chose to accept my calling, and Shaman Eduardo became my mentor.  


My mentor is a Shaman.  I am not.  Shamans are chosen at a young age to learn the tribal traditions of herbalism, healing, and the Spirit World.  Becoming a Shaman requires many years of intensive and often arduous full-time study in an indigenous setting. 


I am uniquely blessed to have an indigenous Shaman as my mentor, and grateful for this privilege few will ever know.  Shaman Eduardo is someone who understands my innate healing abilities, the significance of my spiritual experiences, and the intensity of my connection with the Spirit World. 


I use my innate gifts to offer healings, workshops, and ceremony wherever I am invited.  As a Traditional Healer, I utilize a variety of physical and metaphysical tools to facilitate healing for my clients.  After discussing a client’s concerns, I utilize the vibration of my drum and my voice to help them relax into the meditative state where healing can occur.  Then using altered states of consciousness, I connect to Divine wisdom, through which I can sense imbalances in the subtle energy of the client’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual fields that may be affecting wellness.  I clear and re-balance disturbances, shifting them using my hands, my drum, my voice, and other spiritual tools. Sometimes a healing reveals issues that must be addressed by the client through their own lifestyle or spiritual practices, or, through conventional or complementary medical treatment.  I am always willing to work with my client’s health care practitioners.


To learn more about the range of my healing gifts and how I may assist you or a loved one, read what my clients have written about their healing experiences on the Testimonials page.  If you have questions, please schedule a complimentary consultation via phone or video chat.  I look forward to the honor of helping you heal.

Jaylyn Stahl Leads a Healing Ceremony

© Photo Copyright 2007, Jaylyn Stahl

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© Photo Copyright 2007, Jaylyn Stahl

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© Photo Copyright 2019, Eduardo Luna Paredes

My Mentor -

Shaman Eduardo Luna Paredes

Eduardo Luna Paredes is a fifth-generation Shaman of the Quitu Cara tribe.  Shaman Eduardo first traveled to the US by invitation of the science community and has served as an Ambassador of Cultural Exchange for the Shamans of Ecuador.  Now, Shaman Eduardo splits his time between the United States and Ecuador, offering healing and ceremony in both countries. 


To learn more about my mentor and his work as a traditional indigenous Shaman, please visit his website.

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